
A post dedicated to hair, my passion you know it ! (haha)
I tried the Steam Pod hair care at the Hair Glam salon, let watch it :

Do you like my little headband ? It’s the Charlotte one from Very Monkey !
I discovered this brand recently and immediately loved them.
They are headband with a rod inside so they are easy to put on and don’t move during the day !
 Lookbook in the grass !
Like I announced on Facebook and Twitter : the contest !
Three of you could win the headband of your choice, isn’t life great ?
To enter you just have to like the Very Monkey Facebook page (we’ll check)
and to leave a comment here with you name and email (only one participation by person) !
I will pick the winners sunday night !
Good luck !!

☆☆ The contest is over ! ☆☆
The 3 winners are : Lucie, Line & Emilie !
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