A new beauty post for today, more precisely : the hair ! :haircut:
As you know I take really good care of my hair, my goal is to grow them without damaging them.
For this, the first step is to cut them regularly so they won’t break or split. I cut them every 2/3 month and never more than one centimeter. And to limit the bleaching but this is another subject !
Today let me introduce you Elodie, free-lance hair stylist at Saco in Paris.
In a first phase she cut my ends, then I came back later after doing my roots for a nice hairstyle (braids as usual haha).
You can also find Elodie and her work on Instagram or her Facebook.

Shampoo then smooth brushing, Elodie cut my ends on dry hair.
As I have thin hair, we chose a straight cut which will bring more « strength » to the hair, they should break less and grow better in opposite as if we’d cut them in « point » that would slim them.
The haircut is done, let’s do the hairstyle, if you’re wondering why I always ask for this kind of braids : simply because I can’t do it, I watched so much tutorials, it’s impossible for me even though it’s quite simple as you just have to do the braid ‘in reverse’… can you do them ? 😳
Second time with Elodie after I did my roots and changed the color from purple to pink.
As I said I don’t know how to braid my hair even though it’s my favorite hair style, I went back for the same ones but asked for them to be bigger than the first time. :flirt:
To not damage my hair, Elodie decided to « waffle » them instead of teasing them (it’s the worst thing to do!) for adding volume and clearly it works haha ! :poodle:
My little pony mane (literally) is crazy and so voluminous, I hesitated keeping them that way ! :unicorn:
Additionally of giving me volume, the waffles gave me texture. Once the braid is done it looks like little fish scale it’s so cute and so mermaid-like ! :dolphin:
Nice one !