Two weeks ago MAC released its new collection Playland : some yummy and sour tint for a few lipsticks and glosses, pigments and crayons
for the eyes along with some « Casual Colour », a little pot 2in1 that can be used for the lips or the cheeks.
I had the chance to be invited the evening of that release with Florence and Sophie to discover the products and… to try them !

Cotton candy lemonade and little sweets before getting our makeup done.

As usual I asked for a lovely winged eyeliner and a very pink mouth ! (Are you surprised ? haha)
I fell in love with this Happy-Go-Lucky color!

Before/After… 🙂

MAC’s cotton candy! It was like being in Katy Perry’s California Girls music video.

I was wearing a total Monki outfit (crop top & skirt) with a vintage kimono.

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Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

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