More and more of you are following me on my Instagram, almost 20k ! It’s insane and I thank you from the bottom of my heart !
You often ask me where the clothes I wear on a daily basis are coming from.
I always answer, but sometimes I don’t have enough time or I tag brands but on huge websites such as Asos or Topshop it’s hard to find a reference and adding a link is not easy either as it’s not clickable.
From now on, to make it easier and faster I started using Like To Know it.
You just have to go on LikeToKnow.It and to register. And that’s all ! Yes, nothing else to do !
Except that now when you’ll like one of my pictures with the #LikeTKit hashtag on Instagram, you’ll receive an email with product links of the items I am wearing on the picture. Easy right ?
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