Feu d'artifice chateau disney

This year I celebrated Halloween at Disneyland with Patrick, Amélie and her lover Andy.


disneyland halloween tickets

Disneyland entrance at night

Disneyland castle at night

illuminateted castle

The color of the castle was changing all the time, it was beautiful !

haunted mansion disneyland paris

Disney Halloween pumpkin minnie


disneyland paris halloween

Katia and Amélie

Haunted Mansion Disney

Hello Camille !

Katia Camille and Amélie

The Disney Dreams show, really magic, I loved it !

Disney Fireworks

Disney Castle Fireworks

Final Chateau Disney

(I was wearing an Asos floral crown, a SheInside sweater, some KillStar earrings and Lime Crime lipstick.)

What about you, did you celebrate Halloween ? Did you dress up ? Tell me !

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