Hello and welcome to Lazy Kat !
I’m Katia, I’ve always been addicted to fashion, Parisian by adoption and blogger since 2008 (does Skyblog count ?).
I didn’t study photography but it’s a passion that I have since my teenage years, I love taking pictures of my friends, what’s around me, myself… or my cats. #CrazyCatLady
I started my blog as a hobby to share my pictures, my friends and my outings. At this time blogs weren’t todays global phenomenon.
Since I have grown and so did my blog. Over time I have shared my outfits, my beauty tips and my everyday life through my journeys and what I like.
Aside from that I like pastel colors, shiny stuff, creating outfits, playing with prints… I have mermaid hair (or unicorn depending on your point of view…) and I am always looking for the devil in the detail to finish an outfit.
I collect sunglasses (it’s great for hiding from the paparazzi… #TooFamous).
I think I drink too much coffee but it’s okay #DeathOverDecaf
Today you can also find me on Instagram where I share my everyday stuff, on Pinterest and/or Tumblr for my outfit, beauty,… inspirations, Youtube for videos, Facebook, Twitter or on Snapchat (@iamlazykat) for my best silly faces…